Yoga for Menopause: Releasing & Acceptance: Ease Irritability & Meno-rage
by Michelle Mansfield
All of a sudden, the smallest things can cause so much irritation! One minute, you’re happy, and then, out of nowhere, something sets you off. The ups and downs we feel during this time can create frustration within ourselves and affect our relationships.
What is happening inside us, both hormonally and chemically, creates these hot-headed feelings and quick reactions that we later regret. Along with biology, our world around us has become more stressful, fueling the fire inside us. We have more demands and higher expectations of ourselves and others, our lives are over-scheduled, our attention span is shrinking, our patience is decreasing, and there’s never enough time for it all.
One day, everything could be going smoothly, but our hormones and chemical signals are telling their own story inside our bodies. You’re already late for something; you’re heading to Trader Joe’s for dinner supplies, a dinner you haven’t decided on, your work email is blowing up, your to-do list is growing in your head, and as you head to the yogurt section you see a woman staring at the yogurts like it’s her last decision on earth. She sits there. Staring. At yogurt. The fire inside burns, and if it weren’t for social media, you’d scream at her to choose a yogurt and move on. It’s not about the yogurt, though. It never is.
Everything and everyone annoys you. You drop your spoon, you blow up, and someone runs into the kitchen wondering if you’re OK. Mind you, your partner asks a simple question for the 5th time, and you respond in a way where you have to apologize later. You’re at a concert with your favorite singer, and suddenly, the crowd drives you crazy, and you’re irritated by anyone who bumps you. What is going on?
Connecting with our power can give us confidence, knowing that our moods are temporary and we have more control than we think. There is such stigma surrounding women to be calm, collected, and “strong” individuals. To keep it together. A woman expressing her heated emotions is labeled aggressive, moody, and difficult. We must step away from these stigmas, give ourselves some grace, and learn to forgive ourselves.
How can Yoga and Ayurveda help alleviate these feelings?
Pranayama can calm the nervous system. It’s incredible how much breathing helps soothe those emotions, gives us the time and space to acknowledge them, and, at the same time, gives our nervous system a cleanse and a hug to allow the rage to calm down a bit.
An Asana practice will cool and balance emotions, allowing us to slow down, hold poses longer, and stretch more deeply. Irritability can be raised when things are going too fast for us. Heat can ignite that fire inside as well. Being frustrated with a complicated sequence only adds to the list of irritating items. This is why Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra are also important components of your Yoga practice. A goal of yoga and Ayurveda is to balance our dominant dosha and acknowledge the season of life that we are in. We must acknowledge where we are in life, how we feel, how our body performs, the emotions inside of us, and what will fuel us versus deplete us.
There are specific Ayurvedic principles to alleviate symptoms, moods, and reactions. Incorporating warm, cooked, easy-to-digest foods will calm the digestive fire and nourish our bodies. Drinking warm teas with ginger, cardamom, or fennel can alleviate dryness and support the digestive system. Regular physical movement, including Yoga, strength training, and walking in nature, can relieve stress and flood your brain with “feel-good” hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. Therapeutic massage, known as Abhyanga, with a sesame oil-based massage oil, can release stress and another “feel-good” hormone, oxytocin.
Meditation will also reduce stress, calm the mind, balance the mood, and maintain a positive mindset.
Journaling is also a great way to release thoughts on paper. The physical act of writing is therapeutic in so many ways. Getting us off our screens, quieting the mind, where thoughts flood out on paper. Find a time of the day that works best for you. Some prefer the morning when their energy is high, their mind is most alert, and they’re less likely to skip it if the day gets too hectic. Some prefer before bedtime to release any thoughts or situations that have happened throughout the day. They feel it helps them sleep better as well. Or maybe you do five minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening? Find what works best for you.
The goal is to recognize each season of life and to accept these changes and emotions.
If you’d like to experience how Yoga and Ayurveda can alleviate irritability, meno-rage, sadness, and other heightened emotions, please join Michelle for Yoga for Menopause: Releasing & Acceptance: Ease Irritability & Meno-rage.
Have you tried any of these techniques before? We’d love to hear about your experience or any other tips you’d recommend in the comments below.